Mobile Exam Proctor:
What is a Mobile Exam Proctor? A Proctor is a person who supervises the administration of a test or examination. The Proctor is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the testing event and has no financial interest in the outcome of the testing. Proctors can charge fees for providing testing services.
As a licensed and bonded Notary, our background checks ensures the integrity and proven high standards of our staff. With a trusted Proctor, schools and the like can be confident that their students will test with high quality and trustworthy individuals. For more information, please visit
What is a Mobile Exam Proctor? A Proctor is a person who supervises the administration of a test or examination. The Proctor is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the testing event and has no financial interest in the outcome of the testing. Proctors can charge fees for providing testing services.
As a licensed and bonded Notary, our background checks ensures the integrity and proven high standards of our staff. With a trusted Proctor, schools and the like can be confident that their students will test with high quality and trustworthy individuals. For more information, please visit
Remote Testimony Witness
What is a Remote Testimony Witness? According to the NNA it is a Notary who identifies the individual providing a testimony. Notaries are permitted to administer an oath or affirmation and confirm the identity of a witness for testimonies taken by telephone. State law requires the Notary to be physically present with the witness to administer the oath (oaths administered over the telephone with the Notary in one location and the oath-taker in another are not allowed).
Notaries are the ideal candidates for this role because they are state-appointed public officials whose duty is to serve as impartial witnesses to any number of transactions. Identifying signers and administering oaths and affirmations are also part of their duties.
The cost for this service is as follows:
$15.00 for administering an oath
$30.00 for the first hour
$20.00 for every half an hour after that
What is a Remote Testimony Witness? According to the NNA it is a Notary who identifies the individual providing a testimony. Notaries are permitted to administer an oath or affirmation and confirm the identity of a witness for testimonies taken by telephone. State law requires the Notary to be physically present with the witness to administer the oath (oaths administered over the telephone with the Notary in one location and the oath-taker in another are not allowed).
Notaries are the ideal candidates for this role because they are state-appointed public officials whose duty is to serve as impartial witnesses to any number of transactions. Identifying signers and administering oaths and affirmations are also part of their duties.
The cost for this service is as follows:
$15.00 for administering an oath
$30.00 for the first hour
$20.00 for every half an hour after that
Process Server
What is a process server? A process server is a person, who serves writs, warrants, subpoenas, etc. Utilizing my services guarantees your documents will be delivered in a timely and professional manner. This will require to fill out and send an In-Take Form prior to any services rendered. Please call to get a quote today!